BellyDance - BellyRock with Ishtar on June 27

By Ishtar Vintage Bellydance Band (other events)

Saturday, June 27 2015 7:30 PM 10:00 PM EST

The Haflacopter has landed on the NorthSide! Join Ishtar for a night of open floor dance on June 27 at the New Bohemian.

Get up and boogie! Dust off your dance moves from class! Try your hand at dancing to a live band.. All levels of dancers are welcome to have a good time.

By popular request, the dancing is OPEN FLOOR all night!

The hafla starts at 730pm. ALL AGES! Everyone bellydance! 

$10 cover for adults, $5 children under 12.

Dancers in full costume - FREE!

Drummers -bring your darbuka and/or riq to play with us during our second set.

BYO - wine and beer only please. No corkage fees.

New Bohemian
887 Progress St  15212
Right by the Heinz Lofts and the 16th Street Bridge.

Note - cover charge is to defray the cost of renting the space.

Ishtar Vintage Bellydance Band

Mailing Address

1135 Itin St